Search, filter, and select parameters for plot axes in a single pane.
As flow cytometry panels grow, so does the number of parameters in associated data files. These typically include both uncompensated and compensated parameters but can extend to those derived from images, formula calculations, or user-created keywords. During gating, you may want to filter this list to lessen the need for scrolling or to quickly select parameters of interest.
Parameter sets are at the heart of parameter management in FlowJoTM Version 11 because they provide an opportunity to organize a potentially long and complex list of parameters in an experiment.
Select parameters
The parameters to be graphed on the Primary plot can be selected using the dropdown menu on each axis. Alternatively, navigate to the Parameters property, choose an axis, then select a parameter in the second list. A search function is available in both locations.
Figure 1. Options to select a parameter to display on the Primary plot
Select parameter sets
Select a parameter set to filter the parameter list in the Parameters property and in the dropdown axis menu of the Primary plot. FlowJoTM provides several parameter sets to start, including Scatter, Uncompensated, and Compensated. You can create additional custom parameter sets in the Metadata Manager.
In the example below, data from an 18-color panel targeting various NK cell markers, were loaded into the workbench and three parameter sets to organize markers by type (Lineage, Stimulatory, Inhibitory) were created. This approach makes it much easier to get to the markers you need during your analysis. Plus, you can be more specific about which parameters are plotted as a heatmap statistic plot in the Graph gallery. Here, the expression of only stimulatory markers across NK cell subsets is visualized, based on the custom parameters set.
Figure 2. Select a Parameter set to display in lists and on graphs