Parameter Sets
As Flow Cytometry experiments increase in complexity and number of parameters available in the exported FCS files, you now have the possibility to Group any number of desired parameters into different parameter sets. This feature allows for a quick access and utility of specified sets all across the data analysis workflow sparing time from scrolling within long lists of parameters.
To create a new parameter set click on the Metadata Manager and select the Parameter Sets tab. The list on the left will show all available parameters, including their Fluorochrome Name ($PnN) and Stain Name ($PnS). Scatter and UnCompensated parameters can be toggled on/of (Figure 1.1).
The selected parameters can be then added to the right list of parameters (FIgure 1.2) and a name and description of the current parameter set is added (Figure 1.3, "Exclusion Parameters"). Multiple lists of parameters sets can be added using the "+" button as well as duplicating and modifying already existing lists.
Once a Parameter Set is created it will be directly available to the rest of the functions within the workbench. The example below is using the user defined parameter sets (Figure 2.1) on the Primary Graph for a quick access to the parameters to be displayed on the -x and -y axis as well as batching per parameter (Figure 2.2).
Figure 2. Using the "Exclusion parameters" sets on the Primary Graph to visualize parameters to use parameters on -x -y and for batching by parameter.