Creates cell populations in flow cytometry data using K-means clustering.
Fluorescence measurements for a sample over the collection time may not remain stable due to fluctua...
Makes generating stain index as easy and as simple as possible. Includes auto-gating option for find...
Highly performant unsupervised clustering algorithm, initially developed out of the Nolan Lab. Aids...
The FlowJo PluginPlay Bundle provides a set of plugins in just a few installation steps. It's a suit...
This tool allows users to generate violin plots and box and whisker plots for multiple parameters an...
PhenoGraph is a clustering method designed for high-dimensional single-cell data. It works by creati...
Creates summary plots based on Phenograph, FlowSOM, or X-Shift clustering and illustrates those popu...
Creates a new gate containing a specified subset of data points or events, which can be used like an...
This tool allows users to clean their data using a new algorithm developed by Gianni Monaco et al. a...
FlowSOM is a state of the art clustering and visualization technique, which analyzes data using self...
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) is a machine learning algorithm used for dimens...
The BD FACSDiva™ Software Translator FlowJo Plugin for useres who may be experiencing error message...
FlowJo Software is the leading analysis platform. Take your data to the next level with the latest t...
Just getting started with flow cytometry? Start here!
Welcome to FlowJo University! Before we begin the discussion on how to use FlowJo to analyze single...
Graphical representations of data are crucial when performing most analyses . An effective graph wil...
Dot vs. Contour PlotData graphical display type is an important choice when performing a flow cytome...
Flow cytometry is a method of single-cell analysis that includes the characterization of a cell's ph...
New to FlowJo? No problem! We will walk you through getting your analysis set up in FlowJo and then...
Welcome to FlowJo University! If you're just getting started this video will walk you through the ba...
This step-by-step tutorial will walk you through the basics and troubleshoot common questions for in...
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