SeqGeq™ Free Trial
Receive your Free Trial Instruction document and follow the steps below.

We're so excited to get you into SeqGeq™, we offer 60 days free through FlowJo Portal. There's no obligation, and you can sign up for a free demonstration from one of our experts to get you going.
There are only a few steps to start your free trial. Create a FlowJo Portal account (or just sign in if you already have one!) and click Free Trial on the SeqGeq™ page. Fill out and submit the form and you're good to go.
How to Start Your SeqGeq™ Trial
- Go to FlowJo Portal.
- Click the Create Account link to create a free account.
- Click the SeqGeq Free Trial button, then fill out the form.
- On the Account page, click the Download SeqGeq button.
- Download, install, and run SeqGeq on your computer.
- Download, install, and run SeqGeq on your computer.
- Sign in with your FlowJo Portal ID.
Don't have your dataset on hand?
No problem! Just download SeqGeq and use the dataset included in Demo Mode. You'll still be able to explore all the features and decide if SeqGeq is right for your lab.