IntroductionThe Tracking Responders Expanding (T-REX) algorithm has been implemented as a FlowJo plu...
IntroductionPremessa is a R tool to edit the parameter names of an fcs file. Sometimes, over the cou...
Understanding the size of particles in flow cytometry is important in a number of applications. Flow...
IntroductionPhenoGraph is a clustering algorithm that robustly partitions high-parameter single-cell...
IntroductionThis plugin was designed in order to give researchers the ability to automatically gate...
IntroductionX-Shift is a top-performing clustering algorithm especially suited for discovery of rare...
IntroductionWhat is This Thing?The Euclid plugin is a sort of quality control utility for clustering...
IntroductionCluster Explorer is a FlowJo plugin. The tool creates an interactive cluster Profile gra...
IntroductionUniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) is a machine learning algorithm use...
What is CytoNorm?The CytoNorm algorithm has been developed and implemented as an R package by Sofie...
CBA Demo VideoBelow is a demo showing the use of the CBA pluginCBA - FlowJo Documentation | FlowJo D...
FlowSOM - FlowJo Documentation | FlowJo Documentation - Documentation for FlowJo, SeqGeq, and FlowJo...
IntroductionThe Peak Extraction and Cleaning Oriented Quality Control (PeacoQC) plugin performs qual...
IntroductionThe flowAI plugin is able to perform an automatic quality control on your FCS data. Afte...
IntroductionflowCut is an R based algorithm is a tool for separating quality events in FCS data from...
That’s awesome! You inspire us…We encourage aspiring bioinformaticians and researchers...
Our recommendations for setting your performance preferences.Modifying the performance...
Workspace preferences allow you to change the display and other options for the central...
Select the Workspace button in the Preferences tool to open the Workspace preferences.Sample Display...
When you add keyword combination, the file name is changed from the acquisition name to the keywords...
Select the Fonts button in the Preferences tool to open the Fonts specific preferences.Choose a Cont...
To view or change your gating preferences, click the preferences icon represented by a red heart out...
Setting Local in the WorkspaceThe “Locale” option can be chosen from the preferences under the heart...
FlowJo supports the notion of a global preferences file. If your workstation is shared among multipl...
Output preferences allow you to change the default setting for graph visualizations, ou...