Use the popular supervised machine learning, Support Vector Machine algorithms to auto-gate populati...
The BD CellView™ Lens plugin for FlowJo™ v10 provides the complete set of tools that allows you to v...
Plugin for Automatically De-Multiplexing Compound Single-Cell Data in SeqGeq. Lex converts annotatio...
TCR / BCR sequencing data analysis is now made possible by a new plugin, the VDJ Explorer! This tool...
Automatically annotate populations developed through unsupervised clustering.
Automatically converts 2D manual gates into natural shapes in multidimensional space for improved ce...
For researchers wishing to calibrate parameters using MESF beads, this tool will automatically detec...
Mutual Nearest Neighbors (MNN) is one of a handful of methods available for batch correction of sing...
Predicts single-cell classifications using Deep Learning models based on supervised training dataset...
Population hierarchies are an integral part of single-cell research and make complex biological rela...
Astrolabe Diagnostics' service is capable of automatically labeling numerous subsets within large da...
Create correlation statistics between populations, across parameters of interest - or - Correlate tw...
A popular set of R packages developed and maintained by the Trapnell Lab, meant to infere developmen...
The Peak Extraction and Cleaning Oriented Quality Control (PeacoQC) plugin performs quality control...
Tool for checking the quality of clustering performed on high parameter datasets. This can help rese...
Utilize the whole Seurat pipeline developed by the Satija Lab in one easy to use plugin. Yielding tS...
This tool allows users to automatically gate categorical parameters.
Create visualizations for population hierarchies. Option to generate an interactive HTML output.
A robust tool for automatically gating wells in index sorted data from BD instruments, including: BD...
Calibrates multiple parameters simultaneously, using Cytometric Bead Array kit data. Note: The curre...
Dimensionality reduction utilizes relationships in high parameter space to construct an "embedded" s...
HyperFinder is an algorithm for gating sequence prediction for any population of interest. Define an...
Efficiently embed FlowSOM maps into 2D space for additional population resolution from high dimensio...
Based on the bioinformatics pipeline, iCellR, by Alireza "Reza" Khodadadi-Jamayran. This plugin is a...
CytoNorm is an algorithm developed by the Saeys Lab for the purposes of normalizing batch effects be...