Our team will walk you through quality control and organization tips to help make your analysis easi...
Clean up your data with the FlowClean pluginDo you analyze a lot of samples? If so, data quality con...
This tool allows users to clean their data using a new algorithm developed by Gianni Monaco et al. a...
For more information, visit our documentation:https://docs.flowjo.com/flowjo/workspaces-and-samples/...
When you have more than one object selected in the Layout Editor, you can align them relative to eac...
Everything about traditional compensation and spectral unmixing in one spot.
AutoSpill is a new algorithm for calculating spillover and producing a compensation matrix. It was d...
For closed captions click this link: https://flowjo.wistia.com/medias/4tbotmp35u
For more information, visit our documentation:https://docs.flowjo.com/flowjo/experiment-based-platfo...
For closed captions click this link:https://flowjo.wistia.com/medias/e89q2e7tcu
Run into a compensation matrix or parameter mismatch error? This tutorial will show you how to fix t...
Utilize the tools in FlowJo to dive into high parameter data.
As the number of dimensions being interrogated rises, thorough identification and characterization o...
FlowSOM is a state of the art clustering and visualization technique, which analyzes flow or mass cy...
For more information, visit our documentation: https://docs.flowjo.com/flowjo/experiment-based-platf...
Más información: https://docs.flowjo.com/seqgeq/dimensionality-reduction/tsne/
For more information about using t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding in FlowJo visit our doc...
FlowJo is equipped with the latest advanced data analysis platforms.
The Plate Editor:Facilitates metadata labeling with keyword-value pairs before or after data acquisi...