The Peak Extraction and Cleaning Oriented Quality Control (PeacoQC) plugin performs quality control on cytometry data, evaluating the sample signal for regions of irregularity. This algorithm can help remove clogs and changes in flow rate, helping clean up the data. The algorithm identifies density peaks within each parameter and removes abnormal events based on their position in the isolation tree and the mean absolute deviation distance from the peaks.
The plugin separates cells into two subpopulations marked "Good Events" and "Bad Events". The Good Events can then be used for further analysis.
Algorithm Authors
Annelies Emmaneel
Katrien Quintelier
Dorine Sichien
Paulina Rybakowska
Concepción Marañón
Marta E Alarcón-Riquelme
Gert Van Isterdael
Sofie Van Gassen
Yvan Saeys
Plugin Developers
Dylan Hinson
Josh Luthy
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Quality Control