BD Accuri cytometers use the C-Flow software, which produces FCS 3.1 compliant files.These data file...
Analog instruments such as BD FACSCalibur and BD FACScan produce FCS2.0 files.Analog data (or FCS2.0...
The Graph Window is the analysis interface that facilitates data visualization and gating.Displaying...
Begin data analysis in FlowJo with the user- friendly Graph Window. Quickly gate, navigate, and add...
FlowJo v10’s graph window now includes a navigation breadcrumb bar:This can be used to quickly jump...
FlowJo makes it easy toview one population on different parameter sets.For instance, you may be look...
Quickly export a Graph Window in a variety of formats to generate a figure in a report, email an ima...
Movies are an ideal way to visualize changes in the fluorescence intensity of various markers or exa...
In this example, we will use graph window movies to visualize 3 dimensions of data on a subset of ce...
To calculate additional statistical information about your subpopulations, you can add statistics to...
The Graph Window is at the heart of data analysis. FlowJo vX has incorporated several menu options t...
FlowJo v10 has expanded gating tool options to help you effectively gate your data. Isolate, divide,...
Offset your quadsIn version 10 of FlowJo, you can manipulate the side arms independently for any one...
Auto merged quad gates allow the user to create either straight-line or curly quad gates simply by s...
Right-clicking on a file in the workspace or a sub-population includes an option for automatically c...
Synchronize gates within a single sample’s gating hierarchyIntroductionThe use case for this feature...
Click on the Auto gate tool button on a bivariate graph window to activate the auto gate feature. Wh...
Spectral spreading affecting your data? FlowJo v10 has the cure. Curly quad gates are designed to ac...
Magnetic gates allow you to accurately gate on populations that may shift slightly between samples.D...
Manual gates are used to set gates by intensity or percentile.To manually enter a gate from the Grap...
Quadrant gates split a population into four adjacent, discrete subpopulations.The gates are labeled...
A tethered gate derives its position from a statistical operation.In FlowJo a range gate in a histog...
Spider gates split a population into four adjacent, discrete subpopulations.The gates are labeled st...
FlowJo v10 let’s you see the “big picture” by presenting all possible Boolean Combination gates of a...
Need to find that complicated sub-population? FlowJo’s Boolean gating options make it easy to find c...