FlowJo v10 preferences allow you to control/modify the data display of Coulter files. Don’t fret if the data looks different in FlowJo than on the machine. It CAN BE fixed!
These instruments use CytExpert software, which produces FCS 3.0 compliant files. Click here for more information.
FC500 and Gallios/Navios
These instruments produce LMD files that contain an FCS 3.0 compliant portion. You can read more about the specifics on FC500 data here, and Gallios data here.
MoFlo (XDP and Astrios) and Cyan (ADP)
Many other Coulter cytometers use Summit acquisition software. Summit produces FCS 3.0 compliant file. Click below to see more details about the MoFlo or Cyan machines.
These legacy instruments export fcs2.0 analog files.