Advanced flow cytometry data analysis with FlowJo™ Software v10

A detailed overview of the full workflow to analyze high-dimensional flow cytometry data using advanced FlowJo™ Software features.

Flow cytometry data often contains information across a large number of parameters, making it challenging to visualize and interpret. With more parameters and more complex data in an experiment, algorithmic tools can enhance and improve the characterization of cytometric populations. FlowJo™ Software is the leading platform for single-cell flow cytometry analysis and provides a number of machine learning tools to either accelerate the discovery process, add depth, automate or provide an unbiased approach.

Let’s see how you can investigate all the information available in your experiment in a few steps using tools or plugins that are built in FlowJo™ Software.

Data preprocessing

Quality control of data is an important step in your analysis workflow, especially when many parameters are measured and manually inspecting every combination of parameters would be tedious. The processes outlined below help remove technical artifacts from your data that could lead to false discoveries and prep your files for easier interpretation.

Dimensionality reduction

Dimensionality reduction techniques, such as Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) and t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), can help simplify data while preserving their essential characteristics. These methods allow effective visualization of complex datasets and aid in identifying patterns within the data. Reduce the dimensionality of the data for easy visualization with:

Clustering analysis

Clustering allows you to identify populations in your samples without manual gating by grouping cells into distinct clusters based on the similarity of their features. Common clustering algorithms include self-organizing maps (SOM), partitioning algorithms and density-based clustering. This can be applied as a complete gating analysis or as a means of identifying subsets within manually gated high-level populations.

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Mapping clusters to a phenotype is essential to completing an analysis. There are multiple tools in FlowJo™ Software to help you interpret clusters and drive biological insights.

Comparison and validation

Comparing distributions of data is an important goal in many applications. Numerous experiments are designed to test whether two populations are statistically significantly different.

Data visualization

Visualizing flow cytometry data is essential for interpreting results and communicating findings effectively. Many of the tools described thus far include graphical outputs to assist in this. There are many other options available on the FlowJo Exchange visualization tab. Additionally, the BD CellView™ Lens Plugin allows you to visualize images of cells collected on the BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell Sorter.

Embracing advanced data and then identifying analysis techniques will undoubtedly help extract meaningful insights and enhance your research outcomes to contribute to scientific discoveries. This workflow serves as a general guideline, and specific analysis strategies may vary depending on the research objectives and data characteristics. The tools used here are either built into FlowJo™ Software or available as plugins that can be downloaded at: A handy periodic table of plugins is available at

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